Iowa Precision Industries, the leader in custom designed
and manufactured automated coil processing systems, has the experience
and proven know-how to develop systems meeting the specific goals
of customers, worldwide.
Listed Below are some of the Coiline / Coil line Machines available through Iowa Precison Industries :
Iowa Precision Pro-Ductomatic®:
Rectangular Duct Beading, Notching & Shearing Coil Lines
Iowa Precision Pro-Ductomatic® (Starter Line)
The IPI Pro-Ductomatic® is the basic machine needed for a duct
shop, whether used as a stand-alone machine to produce duct blanks
or as the heart of a Fabriduct® line.
The Iowa Precision Industries Pro-Ductomatic® has the capacity
to remove coil set, bead, and notch for two-piece or wrap duct, and cut off in a feed-to-stop shearing process.
There is no minimum cut
length or minimum on notch spacing.
PC-based controls ensure consistent quality of leg lengths and feeds.
General Specifications:
Coil width capability: 48" , 60", and 72"
(1200mm), (1500mm), and (1800mm)
Galvanized or mild steel to 16-gauge
Blank length accuracy + 0.020"
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Iowa Precision Pro-Fabriduct®:
Automated Rectangular Duct Forming & Fabricating Coil Lines
Produces commercial and residential ducting
Modular design with 11 integrated flexible workstations
"U" or "Z" configurations to optimize floor
Notches vees and corners
Forms pittsburgh, snap-lock, TDC, slip & drive seams and
Automated application of glue and insulation
Automated production control with integrated PC
Operator programmable. The controller will store up to 100 programs
for easy recall
Modem included for remote factory support
Processes flat sheets, 4-piece duct, "L" duct sections,
"U" duct sections and wrap around duct sections
L-Duct sections with TDC flanges and Pittsburgh seam
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