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Sheet Metal Rolls
Roll former corporation "r" or "ag" panel machines | sheet metal machineryStandard Features for the Roll Former
AG panel or R Panel Machine include: The "Ag Panel" or "R-Panel Machine produces one of two of the most popular Metal Roofing / Metal Building profiles used today. A very strong panel used as a Roof Panel and/ or Wall Panel. The machine will accept approximately a 42" wide coil stock (26-29 ga. Steel), giving you a 38" wide panel and 36" coverage with the panel overlap. The 3/4" Ag Panels are typically 9" o.c. with 5 major ribs within the panel - minor ribs in between. The 1 ¼" R-Panels are typically 12" o.c. with 4 major ribs - minor ribs in between. The machines are 18 - 22 stages long with 416 grade stainless steel forming rolls, 303 grade 1 ½" / 2" diameter stainless steel shafts, electric-hydraulic power - 220 volt 3 phase with hydraulic powered rear profile shear. Digital Controller for fully automatic operation at 80 - 100 FPM speed. Machine Stand included. A 48" x 5000 lbs. Decoiler (non-powered) is sold separately. * pictured above is Roll Former Corperation's "R" Panel Machine Roll Former Corp. AG Panel MachineProfile of the Roll Former Corperation AG Panel Machine
Roll Former Corp. R Panel MachineProfile of the Roll Former Corperation R Panel Machine
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