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Hydraulic Press Brakes | Roto-Die Hydraulic bending machinesRoto-Die Hydraulic Sheet Metal Press BrakesRoto-Die Hydraulic Benders are engineered to cut costs. The patented Roto-Die principle reduces setup time by as much as 70 %, compared with other power-forming equipment. With a Roto-Die Hydraulic Brake, gauge and clearances are adjusted much quicker than on conventional hand brakes . One-man operation cuts labor requirements in half on virtually all hand-brake operations. Click here for Capabilities or Accessories for Roto-Die Hydraulic Brakes SUPERIOR IN MORE WAYS THAN ONE Roto-Die is four metal precision forming tools
in one. Merely by shifting the selection lever, one operator can
perform all basic sheet-metal forming operations. No die to change.
The Roto-Die Hydraulic Bending Brake forms full-length
ducts, gravel stops, standing lock seams, flashing and hemming
operations accurately and economically. The compactness inherent
in the cylindrical die design permits acute reverse bends not
possible with conventional wide-bed machines. The Roto-Die
Hydraulic Bender indexes quickly and accurately to all
forming stations. Automatic detention assures positive die alignment.
Centerline machined upper dies are instantly inter- changeable
in all Roto-Die openings without special stops
or adjustments. A Roto-Die Hydraulic Brake is
as simple to operate as a hand break - but has infinitely more
production capacity. STROKE ADJUSTMENT SYSTEM The Roto-Die Hydraulic Brakes give you the speed, accuracy and reliability to increase production by reducing set-up time and material handling. The back gauge (which is an optional feature on Roto-Die's Hydraulic Sheet Metal Bending Brake) enables precise settings and reliable repeatability to improve forming accuracy through 31 inches of gauge travel. Rear operated modification is also available when it is desired to eliminate the front handle extension. Capabalities: These Are Typical For Roto-Die Hydraulic Brakes:
Model 5 Roto-Die Hydraulic Bending MachineSPECIFICATIONS And OVERALL DIMENSIONS:
Model 10 Roto-Die Hydraulic Bending MachineSPECIFICATIONS And OVERALL DIMENSIONS:
Model 15 Roto Die Hydraulic Bending MachineSPECIFICATIONS And OVERALL DIMENSIONS:
Model 15/12 Roto-Die Hydraulic Bending MachineSPECIFICATIONS And OVERALL DIMENSIONS:
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